
7th Nest Conference

Start date: May 5, 2022
End date: May 6, 2022
All-day event
Location: Lyon, France

Ticiana Gadelha Ponte, ENVISION PhD student, presented her first results at the 7th Nest Conference, which took place in a hybrid (online+on-site) format, hosted by the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon in France.


IAIA 2022 Conference

Start date: May 4, 2022
End date: May 7, 2022
All-day event

Maria da Luz Fernandes, ENVISION’s Postdoctoral researcher, presented the first’s results at the IAIA 2022 conference.

VI Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano/I Conferência de Ciência de Dados para as Ciências Sociais/Conferência do Projeto DRIVIT-UP

Date: November 26, 2021
All-day event
Location: Aveiro, Portugal

Alexandra Polido, ENVISION’s PI, presented the work “The Role of Environmental Assessment in Promoting Sustainable Urban Systems” at the jointly organized event: Conference of the Scientific Research Project “Drivers of urban transformation (DRIVIT-UP)”; I Conference on Data Science for the Social Sciences and VI Conference on Regional and Urban Planning